Monday, January 1, 2024

LAFC Gameday Experience

Well I'm back to writing and I will do my best to do more content, the last couple years since writing I've been dealing a lot in my personal life, but things are getting better. Also I still asked sometimes why I am no longer on the "Heart of LAFC". In August 2021, I changed jobs, which I leave my house at 3AM, Heart of LAFC usually does their podcast on Thursdays at 9PM, my bedtime is 7. I've been told by the Podfather himself I will always be part of the family, which I've also been told by other fellow LAFC podfam members, I miss it, but I can do this for now.
In a previous blog, I talked about my first LAFC game I attended in person, way back in 2018. This blog is all about the gameday experience, I'm talking about the full game day experience, not just attending a match. 

Most of the time if I go to a LAFC, and the game starts at 7, I will try to be there between 12-1. Why so early? Tailgate! I've been to games of every LA area pro sports team, and there is nothing like a LAFC match, not just the match but the entire game-day experience, even you take the train, even the commute to and from the match is a fun experience, especially when you meet fellow LAFC fan and supporters. Yes even on the train, I think each time I’ve taken the train to a match I will meet fellow LAFC supporters on the way to the game and of course on the way home. I’ve been to Dodger games and Kings games on the train, but when we meet a fellow LAFC fan/supporter it’s different, there’s much more of a bond, brotherhood/sisterhood then any other sports team in Los Angeles. What else often happens is when the fellow fan sees I’m part of the 3252 (from wearing my SG Empire Boys scarf), they have a lot questions; like; are there seats out there, how do you know what chant to sing, how do you know the lyrics of the chants, what is like out there, it’s always fun explaining to them what it is like in the 3252. If you truly want a chant to experience come on out, but if it’s not your thing, enjoy the match in a seat, and I will do that sometimes when I go with people who do not want to be in a supporters section, either way you will still have fun.

Going back to tailgating, you should not leave a tailgate hungry. Most of the supporter groups will have food, you can get for a reasonable donation (often times the money does go to a good cause), but whatever you get it’s always delicious and it’s a lot, you should be able to find a good beer as well, but the best part is just hanging out and talking with fellow LAFC supporters. I am part of the Empire Boys, but when I go, I make my rounds, I have friends in all the SG, you can also go say hi to Filly and the Scarf from Defenders of the Banc, and they will usually hook you up with a drink. If you are not part of a SG, please don’t feel shy, everyone is welcome, just introduce yourself, if you see me I will get you some food and a beer. What else is great about the tailgate is when we all hang out we often are not even talking about football/soccer; we talk, life, family, music, travel, it’s pretty much a giant family reunion. So come on out.

Short story about my first tailgate experience. In a previous post I wrote about my first LAFC game, also my first time in the 3252. But my first tailgate was a much “needed” experience. It May 4, 2019, my ex wife and I had been separated for just over a month, it was a Saturday which I normally work on Saturdays, but I had the whole weekend off, my daughters were with their mom all day, so I had nothing to do, and just wanted to not be alone. It was noon and I knew LAFC had a match that night, but I didn’t have a ticket. So I got in my drove to the Azusa metro station got on the goldline and headed out to the Banc, just to tailgate, with hopes of getting a ticket to the game. On the train I met some a group of friends 3 LAFC fans and 1 Carson (aka Galaxy) fan; more on him later, they didn’t have tickets yet either. On the train we were just talking all things LAFC and poking jokes at the Carson fan, who was wearing a Galaxy hat. We got to Christmas tree lane and went our separate ways. I walked right to the Empire Boys tent and was greeted with; hugs, high fives, tacos, and beer. I also went over to the Defenders of the Banc tent and hung out with Filly and the Scarf, made my rounds to other SG tents, had some more food and a couple more beers. I ended up meeting someone who sold me a ticket (at face value) saw my friends from the train, they found tickets and the Carson fan, had thrown his Galaxy hat in the trash; he said all his years of going to Galaxy he had never experienced anything like a LAFC tailgate, he hadn’t even go into the stadium for the game. That day was amazing, during that time it helped me get my mind off my separation. The game ended in 0-0 draw, but it helped me so much mentally and emotionally. The Carson fan I saw on the train, I saw after the game, who was now wearing a LAFC hat, and had turned heel on the Galaxy and is now a LAFC, he was blown away by the entire game day experience and by the 3252. 

As far as the game experience, I’ve been to hundreds of Dodger games, hundreds of Kings games, hundreds of Angel games, a few Laker and Clipper games, a few UCLA football games, Galaxy games, there is nothing in LA like a LAFX match. The 3252, is usually packed, playing drums and chanting before the match begins. One of my favorite parts of the match is “Scarves up”. As the two clubs come onto the field, the song “The Ecstasy of Gold” by Ennio Morricone is played and the entire stadium has their scarves up, the national anthem is played, the starting lineup is announced with the PA saying the first name of the LAFC player and the crowd yells the last name. As soon as the game starts the first chant, the 3252 starts chanting is ; “DALE DALE DALE BLACK AND GOLD”. The 3252 chants loud for the entire match, we don’t stop. When LAFC scores a goal, and you’re in the 3252, be prepared for beer showers. And if LAFC wins the team comes over and sings; “Sha la la la la la LAFC” with the 3252. BMO stadium is amazing, I really haven’t had any of the in stadium food, because I usually eat at the tailgate, so I can’t really give you advice on what to eat in the stadium. But I strongly encourage to check out a LAFC at BMO Stadium, I’ve known people who were not even soccer fans, then they attended a LAFC game at BMO and are now LAFC fans. There’s so much more I’d like to share, but you need to go experience yourself and if you’ve experienced a LAFC match at BMO, you know. 


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