Sunday, October 27, 2019

Why We Love LAFC

First and foremost to whoever it was that approached me in the 3252 after LAFC finally beat Carson at the playoff match and encouraged me to write more, thank you. I know we met briefly at a tailgate but this blog is dedicated you and all of us who support LAFC.

In my first blog I talked about how I became a LAFC supporter. But this blog I will be writing about why we love LAFC. The reason why I say "we" instead of why "I" love LAFC is because on Instagram and on my SG (Empire Boys) slack page I asked why you love and support LAFC. In fact on Instagram I used it as a opportunity to get a free Supporters Shield patch, and trust me I wish I had more to giveaway and not sell them for $25 like other people. So this blog is for the LAFC family, and I will talk about how we are truly like family when it comes to fellow LAFC supporters.

I started following LAFC as soon as I heard the announcement of the club after Chivas USA folded, and I remember getting emails and updates with the logo above. Now despite what many Galaxy supporters claim, that all LAFC supporters are old Chivas USA supporters it's not true, yes I am one of them, but to be honest it's a lot smaller than most people think, and yes I know and understand two of our largest supporter groups; Black Army and District 9 Ultras are formerly Chivas USA supporters, but most LAFC supporters are actually new to MLS and had never supported any MLS club, in fact I've met around the same amount of former Galaxy supporters than I met former Chivas USA supporters.

Since I mentioned Chivas USA I guess I have to talk about them (yes I know it's a white elephant amongst LAFC supporters) since it's a club I use to support and even had mini ticket plans for when they were around. Now the first football club I started following back in around 1998 was Chivas de Guadalajara, because it's the area of Mexico my grandpa came from. So when Chivas USA entered MLS I jumped on board, and man were they were bad in their first season, I mean real bad worse than Cincinnati FC, Chivas USA finished their first season with a 4-22-6 record good for only 18 points and a goal differential of -36, the leading goal scorer Hector Cuadros had only 4 goals. Yeah it was bad, I went to the first match against DC United if memory serves me correct, it was 2-0 loss. That first season was embarrassing, but I stuck with the club. In 2006 the club got a new coach Bob Bradley (sound familiar) and the club got rid of the B squad of the Guadalajara club and brought in some great young players like; Brad Guzan, Jonathan Bornstien, Sacha Kljestan, and a proven MLS goal scoring veteran Ante Razov. This was a fun exciting club to watch I was there when they beat the Galaxy for the first time, and yes the Galaxy dominated this rivalry. In fact I had a 10 game package, but Bob Bradley completely changed the club. Bob was so great he won coach of the year and was only there one season because he went to go coach the US Men's National Club. Chivas USA went on to have a couple more good years under Preki. But the team ownership became a joke, and the club had very small support. Which is why I say there are not many former Chivas USA supporters who are LAFC supporters, because let's be honest there was not that many of us. Perfect example I would buy a general admission ticket and then go sit any where I wanted in the stadium, normally behind the team benches, most nights there would be around 10'000 people there, except for the Galaxy then the Galaxy supporters would pack out the stadium. Oh yea Chivas USA played in the Home Depot Center, the home of the Galaxy, Chivas USA was pretty much the unwanted house guest that no one wanted around. Long story short Chivas USA folded in 2014, it was time. But enough about Chivas USA, and yes I had great times watching them, in 2007-2008 they had some great matches against the David Beckham Galaxy.

Now for the whole reason for this article; "Why We Love LAFC". Like I previously mentioned I started following this club the minute I heard MLS announce they would be entering the league. Like most other Los Angeles area soccer fans I use to go to Galaxy games especially back in the Rose Bowl days, but when the club moved to Home Depot Center in Carson there seemed to be a disconnect with the fans, and I'm not the only one to think this, I've talked to several other people who felt the same way, I thought I was the only one. Once they made the announcement of a new Los Angeles MLS club actually playing in the city of Los Angeles I along with many other football (soccer) fans in Los Angeles were excited. Also when I heard the stadium was going to be in Exposition Park I loved the idea. In fact I use to tell people that I wished Chivas USA could get the money to tear down the old LA Sports Arena and build a soccer specific stadium, I always felt a soccer team right there could be huge. Well jump ahead to 2018 and we have Banc of California Stadium and LAFC.

The first match in LAFC history took place on March 4, 2018 in Seattle against the Sounders. Seattle has always been a tough place to play and a tough place to win a road game, Seattle has some of the most passionate supporters in MLS and usually have around 40'000 fans at their matches. Well as all us LAFC supporters know, in the 11th minute Diego Rossi scored the first goal against the Sounders. I remember watching this game and what stood out the most is not what I saw but what I heard. Here this is the first game in franchise history and you could LAFC supporters in the crowd in Seattle. The following month LAFC finally got to have a home match, also against Seattle, and we know how that ended.

In a very short period LAFC had taken the city of Los Angeles bye storm, they became the hottest ticket in town. On July 15, 2018 I finally made it to a match. This day made me not just a fan but a true supporter, I was blown away by the atmosphere at the Banc, it was like everything I've ever heard about matches in Europe and Latin America, especially the 3252. The second I got home I researched to see if there were any Supporter groups where I live in the Inland Empire, and I found out about the Empire Boys. Right away I started going to every watch party I could, and I found a whole new brother/sisterhood. Then on October 12, 2018 my life would change forever, I got a ticket in the 3252 and joined the Empire Boys for 90 minutes of chanting, jumping and passion. Now this game I attended is known as the "rain delay game". It was amazing to be at, in fact the players and Bob Bradley mentioned the 3252 in the press conference interviews. Now I am an official member of the 3252 and the Empire Boys.

I'm in there (October 24, 2019 vs Galaxy)
My Empire Boys/Girls Family

Now for some of the reasons why I love LAFC. I'm going to try to make it short so that way I can use all the quotes I got from some of you, thank you so much. For me being a LAFC supporter is a lot more than just the football as Bob Bradley says. When you're a fan/supporter of LAFC you are family, and if you go to the tailgates you will truly experience this. I look at it like this the 3252 is family, Empire Boys are my immediate family (brothers, sisters, we have moms, dads). The other Supporter Groups are your other family like your cousins and aunts and uncles. I've been able to become friends with so many others from other SG, along with others at the tailgate like Defenders of the Banc podcast. If you are hungry someone will feed you if you want a beer trust me you will get a beer, if you just want to laugh and hang out you will find that. Then inside the stadium you can walk around and just keep bumping into friends you make at the games. I recently took a co-worker of my to a game, he told me he felt like he was hanging out with a celebrity walking around with me, and yes I even got us free beer, thank you Inland Element. Well there's all that and it's also that this club from the front office (shout out to LAFC Rich, I think everyone knows him), the players, the ushers, and your fellow supporters we all love LAFC, win, lose or draw we will continue to sing, chant, jump and support our club. I've seen every professional team in LA and the LA area, and there's nothing like going to a LAFC game, if you haven't gone, just go, you'll love it.

Alright now to use some of your great quotes, thank you again to all of you who sent me messages...

The first quote comes from my fellow Empire Boy brother Tye. I'm picking him first because him and his family all love LAFC. If you have ever attended a Empire Boys watch party you will definitely know his kids, I'm pretty sure they will be capos one day. His older daughter is the youngest of the 90+ minute pin club (90+ minute pin goes to the person at the game or watch party who shows the most passion, I tried for it at the playoff against Carson, but I'll take the win over them). Tye is also a member of the 90+ minute club, he's also a great loving guy, so Tye thanks for your quote and brotherhood, you and your family are amazing.

Tye Macias
I guess a quick answer for me is Shoulder to Shoulder! I love the team itself but it wouldn't be the same without the 3252

(Instagram california_kid) He's also one of the winners of the patches I gave away
Honestly when they first announced Carlos Vela it seemed right to support the team because of him, since I'm Mexican. But if you ask me now who my favorite player is, I couldn't really tell you. I've fallen love with the club, the colors and what it represents. I feel I found something I can finally belong to.

(Instagram kevin_andre_)
I support LAFC because they brought the worlds game to the greatest city. Their community outreach is world class.

(Empire Brother Tyler Pardee)
It's the fan experience for anyone and everyone who enters! The game is great,but you'll find great teams across the world. I think the players would agree that the North End is the amazing piece of the game.

(Instagram omar.3722)
I support LAFC because I really feel like this team is like a family. The supporters are amazing, they are so passionate in this team, I've never seen something like it.

I've never supported a MLS team like this one because none are like this great club!

I've been with this team since the first match, I was ecstatic when we won our match! I went crazy when Vela broke Martinez's record, and when we won the Supporters Shield. When we win the MLS Cup, I'm going to yell and yell because we're the best team!

I don't support this team because of the "bandwagon", I support it because it is like a family.

(Instagram juan_rodriguez482)
I support LAFC born and raised in LA. The passion the connection between players and fans and the love of the sport.

(Instagram diegochinchilla_)
I support LAFC because ever since I was small I was a chivas USA fan, and when they disappeared I was sad. I knew better than to become a galaxy fan though, so I waited patiently for something new to pop up in LA. Once LAFC came around, I instantly became a fan without thinking twice about it. Now I follow them!

(Instagram stevelamas)
I support LAFC because they're more than just another football club. They care about the community and the community cares about the club.

(Instagram glass6969)
I support lafc because I was a galaxy supporter for 20+ years but I got tired of the “old” coaching, “old” players and “old” style of futbol. Lafc has breathed new life into LA futbol and it’s amazing to be part of the attacking style and thrilling fan base! I’m all in!

(Instagram armando_mtzz) another winner of a patch
I support LAFC because growing up in the United States, I was jealous of the passion that some of the biggest European teams and never thought I would experience it until LAFC was established.

Last quote comes from one of our great Empire Boys leaders, I picked this to close out because it made me laugh, and for those of you who watched the ESPN+ documentary on LAFC or ever watched a Bob Bradley interview you'll love this quote.

Edgar Rivera
Bob and his ideas of good football!

Thanks again to everyone. And please reach out to me on my Twitter and Instagram. If you have a podcast I'm down to being on. I'm writing this on October 27, 2019; two days after our playoff victory over the Carson Galaxy and two days before our Western Conference Final against the Seattle Sounders. Win or lose we will forever support LAFC,

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Boozeology Beer and Football

At a recent LAFC pregame tailgate I had the privilege of sitting down with one of the host of the LAFC podcast Shoulder to Shoulder; Jonathan Reimer aka boozeology (on Instagram). We as LAFC supporters are very fourtunite to have so many great podcast to listen to (I'm planning on doing a blog on the LAFC podcasts), and Shoulder 2 Shoulder is one of them. Now through going to tailgates and through social media I've been able to have a friendship with so many other LAFC supporters (we are like family) and Jonathan is one of them. It was a fun interview we actually sat down at the Defenders of the Banc podcast (shout out to Filly and the Scarf) table/tent, and we even had El Cantrin Muerto stop by during the interview. We each drinking a beer I had a Mango Cart Ale and during the interview you'll hear what Jonathan was drinking. This was a fun interview I hope all of you enjoy it.

LAFC Punk: How were you introduced to football?

Boozeology: So football to me was something I discovered when I was 7 years old I was sitting in my grandparents living room, my grandparents were from Germany. When I was 7 years old there was a World Cup it was 1990. Germany happened to go pretty far that year, in fact we took the Cup home that year, so I remember as a 7 year old kid sitting in my grandpa's smokey living room, while he was drinking some beer smoking cigarettes and yelling at the TV screen in German which I didn't understand, but we were watching that World Cup and as Germany was advancing through the World Cup and ended up in the Final and won the Final, the family parties got bigger and the food got bigger and more traditional. I remember for the Final my grandmother made this crazy German feast with red kraut, blue kraut and sour kraut and all the traditional German fixings and the whole family getting together and the excitement of Germany winning the World Cup. That was my introduction to the beautiful game.

LAFC Punk: That's kind of like how I grew up with my dad going to LA Kings games he had season seats since 1972 so for me I was raised on Kings hockey.
Next question. What drew you to LAFC?

Boozeology: Well when I was first a soccer fan in Southern California I actually and shamefully admit I was drawn to the Galaxy because it was the first professional team we had here in Los Angeles, but I quickly realized the people and the culture affiliated with the fan base much of everything affiliated with it just didn't gel with me, culturally opposed to how I felt it was a lot of school European people i never really gravitated to those people I was raised in California I never felt like I was a European kid living in California I felt like a Californian, so much of the Galaxy fans back then were all English people who had first moved here, so they felt as if they were first generation English Americans. There was a lot of intolerance there was a lot of violence there was a lot of bigotry back in that day and none of that appealed to me, so I was drawn to Chivas USA when they came into the league. So I rooted for Chivas USA for a bit, but when they disbanded I stopped following MLS for a little bit. I would pay a little attention to what the Galaxy were doing and I felt like Los Angeles had a connection to soccer through them. But when I heard that LAFC was going to happen I signed up that second and I haven't looked back since.

LAFC Punk: That's very similar to me. How were you introduced to supporter group culture and which supporter group are you part of?

Boozeology: I'm a member of the District 9 Ultras, although I didn't make that decision until a few games into season 1, my roommate and best friend and I who originally bought two season tickets together he ended up starting a family and moving to San Diego and I ended up with the tickets, bummer (sarcastically). He and I wanted to wait and see what was going to manifested physically inside the stadium that ideas and history and that kind of stuff carried some weight. But the ultimate decision would could down to those first few games; who showed up, who participated, who brought the energy, and who brought that environment that we wanted to be part of. So we knew about the Union Ultras from back in the Chivas USA days, so I knew Julio, Rey and Lord Commander those were recognizable figures back then and also from Black Army, with people like Joespsh and stuff like that. But we gave it a clean slate, then 3 games into the first season it was very clear to us that D9U was the place and culture for us. It was the people and the vibe we gelled with the best with us. It was a hard choice, because we loved everyone we met. But when it came down to the easiest culture that we fit into it was D9 for us. We loved the concept of 90 minutes and that time they were the loudest and most vocal, most active group and that's what we were looking for.

LAFC Punk: I actually almost joined Black Army back in the Chivas USA days, but I was living in Upland at the time and the drive back and forth from Upland to Carson was just to far to make that kinds of a commitment. So one of the reasons why I joined Empire Boys last year is because they are the closest to me. I love it especially for viewing parties.
Next question, this should be a fun one; explain a day game tailgate...

Boozeology: Ah man if you've never to a game day tailgate I mean this is the sound your hearing (just imagine music, laughing, people having a fun time), this is one of the best things about LAFC the family extends into a very social atmosphere it's indescribable if you've never been here. I've been to many tailgates for different sports. Every single group sets up there own station and you don't see people with other groups mingling. But this is one giant tailgate where everyone is part of every tent (side note I can testify to this being true, I've become friends with people from almost every SG, and never leave a tailgate hungry or without free drinks). It a experience that people are not use to seeing, it's family, it's social, but it's very interactive, everyone has merchandise, everyone has food, everyone has drinks, everyone from kids to adults are welcome, everyone is accepted of everyone else, if you've never been here for a LAFC tailgate it's unlike anything else of any other sporting event you will see.

LAFC Punk: I see you drinking a Stone Cold Steve Austin IPA (Broken Skull IPA). Which I've been wanting to try because I'm a Stone Cold Steve Austin fan. (As soon as I finished saying this El Cantrin walked up)

LAFC Punk: This is going to be a tough question for you. What is your favorite beer?

Boozeology: Oh gosh that's a real hard question! I mean to preface I've been drinking beer since I was 1 years old (we do not encourage this), I proudly will display the picture of me chugging a beer on my first birthday. Beer is something in my family is part of my family's culture and history it's not then heathen drink that most Americans look at it. It's just simply part of family and life and culture and is more integrated as many people see it. Beer to me is very different than other people see it. I have a terrible answer to this, but it's the most honest answer that I can give. I can;t pick out just one favorite beer, but I'll give you 5 favorite beers...
1. My first beer that I ever had.
2. The beer that I had the greatest experience drinking, which had nothing to do that was in the glass, but had everything to do with the people around me.
3. The beer in which someone gave me and it was a hard felt meaningful gift and when I opened it up and drank it, it spoke to our friendship.
4. The one beer that I bought and saved and cherished and held onto for the longest time until I opened it up and drank it.
5. And finally the beer that I'm drinking right now.

LAFC Punk: That's awesome! Well being that you know beer well, what is the best beer you can get at the Banc?

Boozeology: The beers at Banc of California, so I have to be 100% honest I have not seen one second from any LAFC game but anywhere but the North End, so my beer drinking experience at the Banc have been very very limited I have not seen what all the bars here at the Banc have to offer. But my go to beer when I'm here watching sports is the larger style because it's light it's crisp it's refreshing, it's not too heavy and here at the Banc have to be dos xx, because it's my favorite Mexican beer to have at a sporting event. If you do get a chance to go to the fields which has a wonderful selection of local craft brew selection and try any of the beers from Dry Creek Brewing Company, it's a locally owned, female owned and operated, Belgium style beer and they do great work. What I'm drinking now is from one of my favorite brewing companies here in LA El Segundo Brewing, this is there Steve Austin Broken Skull IPA, but if you ever have a chance to try anything from El Segundo get a IPA they make great IPA's.

LAFC Punk: Yes Austin 3:16 says; I just whopped your ass! You've mentioned your a Dodger fan, what makes going to a LAFC game more special than any other Los Angeles team?

Boozeology: The one thing that separates LAFC from every other LA team is what we are looking at right in front of us. It's the 3252, there is nothing, nothing in Los Angeles with the exception of Pantone 294, but even they are not the same as the 3252, they don't have there own designated space they don't have drums, they don't have the flags and everything the 3252 is. If you've never experienced that moment of being among the 3252 and the energy and whirlpool of culture and so much passion and energy, it's indescribable until you experience it learn your first Spanish chant, you're there screaming on the top of your lungs saying words you may not understand, but words that resonate with this culture and community it's unlike any other experience you will have in Los Angeles.

LAFC Punk: Final question, in your podcast you end with the question what does Shoulder to Shoulder mean to you? (By the way I'd love to be on your podcast sometime). My last question is always what does being part of the 3252 mean to you?

Boozeology: It means that there are 3251 people who have my back no matter what! It doesn't matter who I vote for, it doesn't matter who I pray to, it doesn't matter who I work for, doesn't matter where my money goes, all that matters is that for 90 minutes I surrender to something more passionate and powerful than I can be by myself. So as long as your willing to pay that price for 90 minutes of your passion, these people will do anything and be anything for you, they will support you through the heaviest things a person could experience and could speak to that and they will stand with you through the lightest and heaviest of moments and that's exactly what you can get from a friend and if your a 3252 member you just gained 3251 friends.


Saturday, August 31, 2019

Call to Arms

This blog is the first of many that I'm planning on writing which are interviews of behind the scenes of the 3252. As I mentioned in a previous blog, the 3252 is the supporter group of LAFC, and within the 3252 there are a variety of LAFC supporter groups throughout southern California. As I mentioned as well, living in the Inland Empire I'm part of the Empire Boys. The first person I decided to interview was a founding member and one of the leaders of the Empire Boys Guillermo Melendez aka Willy, everyone who knows him, knows him as Willy. I chose Willy as the first to be interviewed because first he's part of the same SG I'm proudly part of, and he was one the first I met in the group and we hit it off right away, with our love for football and punk music, but as we sat down for the interview I found out we had more in common. Willy is also one of the supporters who was inspired to start the famous; "Call to Arms" chant that is done by pretty much the entire Banc of California Stadium, at LAFC matches. We decided to meet up at the Titled Kilt in Rancho Cucamonga (the sight of one of the best viewing parties I've ever attended last season), to grab a bite to eat and a cold beer. I hope you enjoy this. I really would like to interview someone from each support group, I really want to focus on supporter group culture in this blog.

LAFC Punk: How were you introduced to football?

Willy: My dad, he was a America (Club America) supporter, ever since he could remember he was a America supporter, football was in my blood.

LAFC Punk: What is your first football memory?

Willy: It's weird because I sill work in Fullerton, it was at Cal State Fullerton, it was America practicing there, I don't think they played there but they practiced there.

LAFC Punk: What year was this?

Willy: 93 I was probably 10 years old, I always played it, but to go watch professional players I was around 10 years old. Yeah one of my favorite players was Zague from Brazil, he was awesome he ran like a f***in gazelle, his head would move around like a gazelle.

LAFC Punk: What was first supporter group experience?

Willy: Club America, just going to watch them at the Rose Bowl against the Galaxy or some other Mexican League team and we would always go watch them, and just listening to the chants was just awesome. Personally that was the first thing, but seeing it at the stadium, that was the first time. My dad would always steal cable when we were kids, he had the black box so we would be able to watch English games and Italian games, and you could hear the chants and I was like what the hell is that, that's awesome, that was some of my first experiences with that.

LAFC Punk: To piggy back off the last question what drew you to SG culture?

Willy: Um the anarchy I think, it's very punk rock and grass roots, we don't want people to tell us how to do it, we just want to do it our own way, drink, party, be loud, just being drunk kids. We live our youth when we use to go to shows and s**t like that, just yell at the top of our f***in lungs and then go home and then do it again next week, for me that was it.

LAFC Punk: Yeah for me one thing I like about the 3252, is that we mix the English supporter culture along with the Latin America supporter culture as well, we are like family.

WIlly: Yes it is you turn around and you see tattooed guy and you cholo guys and goth people, skinheads (non racist skinheads), you see everybody and everybody respects everyone.

LAFC Punk: How and when did the Empire Boys get started?

Willy: We got started in 2016, I tried starting a SG in Orange County it was a one time thing we would talk about football, that never worked out. The OC group never really took off, and I was like f**k it, man. Then I don't how exactly I met Pepe I think it was online or something like that, then me and Pepe got together we had a couple of beers, and we said let's try to start a group out here in the Inland Empire, and we met Izzy and James and a couple other dudes. The first time we all got together it was around 6 guys, that would be James, Pepe, Izzy, and myself and a couple other guys. We met right here at Lamppost pizza in Corona, no there was a bar close by then we moved over to lamppost, and it kind of took off from there and we just said let's see what happens. We didn't take it too serious at first it was just kind of a hang out, drinking and watch football sord of thing.

LAFC Punk: Explain the Empire Boys...

Willy: So the logo has a lot to do with me and Pepe one of our favorite, not really club but ideology behind the the club is St. Pauli from Germany, where everyone is welcome no one is pushed away, it doesn't matter what; race, sex or nationality you are you are welcomed, and that's what we want to be. A lot people talk about but we want to be about it.

LAFC Punk: Why were you drawn to LAFC?

Willy: That's a good f***in question, um I just never, I just always wanted my own team to support, in MLS but I was never drawn to Chivas USA (being a Club America supporter) or the Galaxy. And when I saw LAFC come out, it had something to do with the name and the colors it had grass roots. They started emailing us I don't how I got on the list to get emails from them, bu they were asking us; what colors do you want, what name do you want, do you guys want a logo. I said you guys can be black white and red (side note I also received stuff like this from the team and I do remember something black and red). I told them it doesn't matter the colors as long as you keep Los Angeles Football Club that was one of my favorite things, that's what drew me to LAFC. 

LAFC Punk: Going back to the EB, what is your role with the EB?

Willy: Head beer drinker (laughter), no I'm kidding. I'm the guy who goes to most of the 3252 meetings and deals with away tickets and just kind of knows a little bit of the history of the 3252 and how everything works, I'm kind of the link between the Empire Boys and the 3252.

LAFC Punk: What does being part of the Empire Boys and the 3252 mean to you?

Willy: It means everything, man! I never believed that something so elementary drinking, watching football and hanging out with buddies was going to turn into something so big, it just means a lot more I ever thought it would be.

LAFC Punk: I can completely relate, Empire Boys and the 3252 is like family. I enjoy the viewing parties so much, because I can't afford to go to that many games. I love going to the games especially the tailgates because I've made so many friends within the the 3252, the guys from Defenders of the Banc, Josef from Heart of LAFC, along with others from different SGs. But the viewing parties are cheaper to go to and we have that family atmosphere, I've even called in sick for viewing parties. And the manager that I called in sick to the first time now attends our viewing parties and is a big LAFC fan.

LAFC Punk: What was the inspiration behind the "Call to Arms" chant?

Willy: So I can't take any credit for it, it's a Ajax chant that we took from them, but I just saw something so powerful in that one it was so simple, and everyone could do it, you didn't know what the words are or nothing like that. It was instant man, we talked about, we were drunk at Rowdy's one day, I told the guys listen to this, I started playing it one the drums (by the way Willy is one of our drummers at watch parties), by myself and they caught on, it was a couple of guys who were plastered, and they started doing it. 

LAFC Punk: I remember doing it at our first viewing party of the season. Then to the tailgate and finally to the stadium.

Willy: Yes you are correct. What's funny I wasn't there for the first time I was watching America, Izzy texts me; he was so excited, he was like did you hear the chant, did you hear the chant, I was no I'm watching America. And he was like the whole stadium is doing the chant!

LAFC Punk: How did you feel when you heard the entire Banc doing; "Call of Arms"?

Willy: Emotional man straight up emotional that's all I can say.

LAFC Punk: It's become one of the biggest chants! It's I was watching the KTLA morning news and Steven Beitashour was on, and they asked him about the 3252 and the chants and he mentioned him and the club love that chant, it's one of their favorites. I was blown away I was watching going I was there when it was born. And then it was happening at Dodger Stadium on LAFC night.

Willy: Yeah it's just simple and powerful that's what every chant needs to be, just super simple, catchy, powerful and repetitive and that's it. 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Battle of Los Angeles

As a LA sports fan, one of my favorite aspects of being a sports fan in Los Angeles (the most underrated sports town in the country, we get a bad rap), in a large sports market we have lots of professional sports team and not to even count out UCLA/USC, so we get some awesome cross town rivalries. The newest rivalry in LA, and in my opinion the best one out of the professional teams is LAFC/LA Galaxy rivalry, I say professional because in Los Angeles nothing is bigger and historical as the UCLA/USC rivalry, but like I said I'm talking about the Los Angeles area cross town professional sports teams, and I will talk about each one and tell you why I think the "El Traffico" (I think the only thing LAFC and Galaxy supporters are united about is that the name of our rivalry is stupid), why this is the best rivalry in Los Angeles and one of the top rivalries in MLS.

Greater Los Angeles area is home to a total of 11 professional sports franchises; LAFC, LA Galaxy of Carson, LA Dodgers, LA Angels of Anaheim, LA Kings, Anaheim Ducks, LA Lakers, LA Clippers, LA Rams, LA Chargers of Carson and the LA Sparks (the only team without a cross-town rival). One thing that is very impressive about all these clubs is that even though people across the nation accuse LA sports fans of being fair weather and not showing up, most of these clubs are usually amongst league leaders in attendance even when the teams are not doing well (Lakers and Dodgers especially). For those born and raised in the Los Angeles area, we know how passionate we are about are teams; especially when your team plays their cross-town rivals, and I'm going to talk briefly about each one, but mainly talk about the LAFC/Galaxy rivalry.

Dodgers vs. Angels aka "The Freeway Series", the Dodgers have been in Los Angeles since moving from Brooklyn in 1958 and since then have always played in Los Angeles, the Dodgers played 4 seasons in the historical Los Memorial Coliseum, before moving into Dodger Stadium, which is still their home and still one of the most beautiful and best stadiums in baseball. Meanwhile the Angles played only 5 seasons in the city of Los Angeles, 1 season in Wrigley Field (yes there was a Wrigley Field in LA), they played 4 seasons at Dodger Stadium, which they refer in their history and when they played there as Chavez Ravine. In 1966 the Los Angeles Angels moved to Anaheim and changed their to the California Angels (that was their best name), to this day they are still in the same stadium, which has gone through remodels and name changes, but to Angel fans it is always the Big A. For 31 years the only time these two clubs met was in the pre-season, as a kid I loved going to the pre-season freeway series games. Then in 1997 MLB started inter league baseball, which meant for the first time when the Dodgers and Angels meet the games will mean something, in the regular season standings. Once inter league baseball started, you could no really longer be a Dodger and Angel fan, before inter league, I was one who liked both clubs, I stuck with the Dodgers. Even though the Angels lead the all-time series 70-54, the city of Los Angeles is a Dodgers town, it it's very evident whenever this series, is played at Angel Stadium, with Dodger fans taking over the stadium. Even though the Angels have won the most recent World Series (2002), the Dodgers have a much bigger fan base, that spans generations, and with their recent success, LA is a Dodger town when it comes to baseball. But being that this is a inter-league rivalry, it's really not a huge rivalry like Dodgers/Giants, which is why it's not the best rivalry in Los Angeles.

Lakers/Clippers rivalry has really never been a rivalry, especially when you consider the Lakers lead the all-time series 101-52, as well as having being 16 time NBA World Champions and 31 times conference champions. While the Clippers have 0 World Championships, 0 Conference Championships, and 0 Division titles. These two clubs have never met in the post-season, there really has never been a meaningful game between these two teams. Since 1999, the Lakers and Clippers have shared the same arena, Staples Center, but it has always been more of a home to the Lakers, although the Clippers are planning to build their own in Inglewood. Hopefully with the Clippers getting better, this turns into a real rivalry, but there are high schools in Los Angeles that are bigger rivals than the Lakers and Clippers.

Alright first off the Chargers should still be in San Diego, this is not a rivalry at all, there are Junior High Schools in the Los Angeles area that are bigger rivals than the Rams and Chargers, that's all I'm going to say about this LA rivalry.

The Freeway Faceoff; Kings vs. Ducks. Now in my opinion this use to be the best LA rivalry, it's now 2nd place, but a very close second place. The Anaheim Ducks entered the NHL in the 1993-94 season, the season after the Kings first Stanley Cup appearance which they lost in 5 games to the Montreal Canadians. These two teams become rivals from the get go, being that they were put in the same division, which meant playing each other multiple times during the NHL season. The all-time regular season series is lead by the Ducks in a slight margin 67-63-11 (there use to be ties in the NHL, hence the 11). This rivalry has always been huge in the stands, with Kings fans usually taking over the Honda Center when the teams meet in Anaheim. Then in 2007 Duck fans won huge bragging right as the Ducks become the first team of the two to win the Stanley Cup. But 5 years later after 45 long years of waiting the Kings fans were finally able to celebrate their first Stanley Cup Championship. In the NHL it's said there's no true rivalry until the two teams meet in the playoffs, and after years of Kings and Ducks fans waiting, it finally happened in 2014. The Kings and Ducks meet in the 2nd round of the Stanley Cup playoffs, in a hard fought 7 game series, with the Kings winning the best of 7 series, then going on that year winning their 2nd Stanley Cup in 3 years. Now a whole article could be written on this rivalry, but this is not a hockey blog.

One thing that football (soccer) is known for throughout the world are derbie matches, you've Real Madrid vs. Atletico Madrid, Manchester United vs. Manchester City, Inter Milan vs. AC Milan, just to name a few, there are tons. Now I'm not comparing "El Traffico" (let's just please change that name, my suggestion "The Battle of Los Angeles"), but this is by far one of the best rivalries in MLS, I think the best rivalry is the Sounders/Timbers rivalry, but the Battle of Los Angeles is in the top 3 even though it's technically only two years old. Now the Galaxy, who us LAFC fans refer to as Carson, because the Galaxy do not play in Los Angeles, Carson is 17 miles south of Los Angeles, the two teams actually play 12 miles from each other. Now the Galaxy have been around since the MLS first season in 1996, something they like to constantly remind us (since 96), they played at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, from 1996-2002, when they moved to Carson, to the at the time the Home Depot Center. Being that the Galaxy have been around since '96, they have a impressive history with 5 MLS Cups (something they like to constantly remind us about), 4 Supporter Shields, 2 US Open Cups, and 1 CONCACAF Champions Cup. They also have had some great players to wear the Galaxy crest, since '96; players like; Cobi Jones, Mauricio Cienfuegos, Jorge Campos, Carlos Ruiz, Landon Donovan, David Beckham, Robbie Keane, just to name a few. The Galaxy are the most decorated team in MLS history, and have accomplished everything a team can in MLS. Like I had mentioned this rivalry is only 2 years old on the field. But in October of 2014 it was annouced that their will be a new MLS club in Los Angeles and this club will be playing in the City of Angels. As soon as the club was annouced the club already started getting a following. As the next 3 1/2 years passed a team crest came out, they tore down the old LA Sports Arena and started building Banc of California Stadium. By 2018 LAFC had huge fan base, season ticket holders a entire supporters group, the 3252, and the Galaxy had a new cross town rival.

The first time these two clubs would met was on March 31, 2018. On March 23 the Galaxy signed Swedish international star and their newest desiganated player Zlatan Ibrahimovic (who has been a huge thorn in the side of LAFC). LAFC got to a quick 3-0 lead, and looked to completly dominate the game and win the first game of this rivalry. But then in the 2nd half Zlatan who literally had just landed in LA came in as a sub, scored 2 goals, including a 45 yard volley goal, which Tyler Miller along with LAFC fans still see in their nightmares, and the Galaxy won 4-3. Here's what I remember about this game, I had to work that day, but I was able to watch the first half, it was 3-0 when I left for work. When I went on my lunch at work I checked my phone just to see the final the score, and to my shock and surprise I see the final score of 4-3, a Galaxy win.

In the 2018 season, the two clubs would go on to play each other 2 more times, with each being a tie. The one that hurt the most was the match on July 24, 2018, known to us LAFC fans as the "Horta Match". LAFC was up 2-0, with 10 minutes left in the match when in the 82 minute Alessandrni scored a nice goal to make the game 2-1. Then in he 86 minute LAFC newest DP Andre Horta, made his first touch making a beautiful through pass to Ola Kamara, who was wearing the wrong jersey, he scored the tying goal for the Galaxy, the game ended in a 2-2 tie, but it felt more like a loss. The two clubs would meet again Carson, with that match ending in a 1-1, once again Zlatan scored against LAFC.

As I write the day before the second match of The Battle of Los Angeles, the clubs have met once this season on July 19, 2019, and once again Zlatan beat LAFC all by himself, by scoring a hat trick and the Galaxy coming off victorious 3-2, with two goals by Carlos Vela. I do not like to give predictions (I'm afraid of jinxing the team), but I will say this, all they need to do, to beat Carson is stop Zlatan, earlier in the season I saw Portland beat the Galaxy 4-0, I say watch this tape and see how to stop him. As both teams enter this game LAFC has 61 points, while Carson has 41 points, LAFC is a better team than Carson, but for some reason, they seem to allow Zlatan to intimate them. This is the biggest monkey (I'd call it gorilla) that LAFC needs to get off their back, is beating the Galaxy. I really wish I could be there but tickets are crazy expensive, but there will be watch parties, I'll be spending the days with my wonderful amazing daughters, then watch the game at home. Everyone have fun, enjoy the game, behave, don't do anything stupid, and be loud. Let's show the world how great this rivalry is.

I thought about going into detail about all the stuff that has happened between both club's supporters off the field, but this about our team that we love and support, and about the Battle of Los Angeles.

Monday, August 19, 2019

LAFC Game review August 17

On August 17, 2019 LAFC went into Utah and took all 3 points in a 2-0 victory over Real Salt Lake. One of the highlights of the match was our beloved captain netted his 24 goal of the season giving him a combined 39 points for the season breaking a MLS record, with 9 games remaining in the regular, so Carlos Vela is definitely going to break this record. So a big congratulations to Carlos Vela, but we all know that Carlos Vela is a true team player and his ultimate goal this season is win the MLS Cup for LAFC.

As for the match I’ll just focus on a few key points to the match (I’m writing this on my iPhone today in between my two jobs). LAFC has their usual starting 11, to begin the match, with only 17 dressed players instead of the usual 18. Now I watched the game at the Empire Boys watch party so I was not able to hear any audio from the match, but I’ve been told the only supporters you could hear was the 350 LAFC supporters who traveled to Sandy, Utah to cheer on the black and gold, awesome job to all those supporters.

The first half was scoreless, but one significant event that did occur in the 17 was that Walker Zimmerman who was playing in his first game back from yellow cards suspension, received a very tick tack yellow card. Yes it should have been a foul, but in my opinion it was not worthy of a yellow card at all. This would come back to hurt both Walker Zimmerman and the team as in the 48 minute of the match Walker would recurve his second yellow card of the match equaling in a red card, putting LAFC down a man for the remaining of the match, also resulting that Zimmerman will miss the next match on Wednesday night at the Banc against the San Jose Earthquakes.

This completely changed the dynamic of the game and strategy of how LAFC will play the rest of the match, for the time being. Now for myself and for most of the LAFC faithful we would had been happy with a 0-0 draw, being down a player on the road. But then in the Diomande made a perfect pass to Vela, to give Vela a breakaway and a great scoring chance when he was pulled down by RSL defender Aaron Herrera, getting a red card, making it even 10 on 10, and also being that it occurred inside the box, Carlos Vela was rewarded a PK. And Carlos Vela, being Carlos Vela, buried the ball in the top left corner of the net past Nick Rimando, giving LAFC a 1-0 lead in the 64 minute.

As I mentioned earlier Zimmerman’s red card completely changed the dynamic of the match, but now the same thing can be said when Aaron Herrera recurved his red card, evening the playing field to 10 on 10, and after this LAFC just started attacking and pressuring the RSL defense.

In the 68 minute Lee Nguyen came into the match for Diego Rossi. Lee Nguyen could easily be a starter on any other club in the MLS, but we have so much depth in the midfield we get to have him coming if the bench and the the scarf said on Defenders of the Banc in their latest podcast, he is kind of our version of the NBA 6th man, so I guess he’s our 12th man. As much as I feel he deserves to start, it was awesome to have a player like Lee Nguyen coming off the bench. In this match he did not disappoint, right away he gave LAFC scoring chances. Then in the 82 minute he assisted in a goal by Diomande, speaking of Diomande he could have easily had a hat trick, including hitting a post in the first half. This goal made it 2-0, this pretty much sealed up the victory for LAFC.

This victory for LAFC was very significant being that, they became the first club to clinch a playoff spot in MLS this season. This victory also gave the club 58 points for the season surpassing their point total from last season of 57 points. Now to one of the most impressive stats of the season, LAFC now has a goal differential of a plus 42, that’s incredible. The club that’s the most close to them is Atlanta United at a plus 15, which is good, but LAFC is at a plus 42, meanwhile Cincinnati is a minus 35. Well I hope you enjoyed this, as I wrote this on my phone. Please for me on Twitter and Instagram at TheLAFCPunk on all platforms.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

LAFC Game preview August at Real Salt Lake

Tonight August 17, 20019 LAFC will be in Sandy, Utah at Rio Tinto Stadium to take on their Western Conference foes Real Salt Lake. LAFC has already beaten twice this year, the first match being at Banc way back on March 23, with 2-1 regular season win. LAFC also faced Real Salt Lake on June 11, in the US Open Cup and won 3-0, in Utah. RSL currently sits 4th in the Western Conference with 40 points, currently in a playoff spot, with a goal differential of +6. Meanwhile LAFC currently is not only the 1st place club in the West, they are also leading the MLS, with 55 points, and an amazing goal differential of +40. If LAFC wins tonight they will surpass there point total from last season of 57 points. Those 57 points LAFC got last season was a MLS record for most points by a expansion club. LAFC can also clinch a playoff spot this evening, but let's not focus on that, because this club will be in the playoff, most likely as the number 1 seed in the league.

RSL in unbeaten in their last 6 league matches, in their last match they beat the Seattle Sounders 3-0, so this club should not be taken lightly even though LAFC, is 2-0, against them this season. And all us LAFC fans, know this is the club that ended our season last year, by winning a playoff game at the Banc. On a side note RSL fired their coach Mike Petke this past week, for reasons we will not get into today, but it was justified, that's all I say right now, because lets focus on this match. There's one player I'd really like to focus on, in this preview due to the respect I have for him and his amazing MLS career; Nick Rimando.

Nick Rimando started his MLS career way back in 2000, with the Miami Fusion (A team that contracted after the 2001 season along with the Tampa Bay Mutiny). Back then there was 12 clubs in the entire league, then from 2002-2004 there was only 10 clubs in the entire MLS, compared to 24 clubs now, with more clubs coming. Here are some stats of Nick Rimando, he pretty much has every record a goalkeeper can have in the MLS... 506 regular season appearances, 219 wins, 151 shutouts, 1679 saves. As a football (soccer) fan I have nothing but respect for Nick Rimando, I don't see anyone else breaking these records, this is his final season, as he will be retiring at the end of this season. With this being said, I believe he is the key to this match, when he's in the zone RSL is a tough club to beat. The key to winning this game is to get good quialty shots, but do not count Nick Rimando out, he's stat wise the best GK in MLS history. RSL has another long time MLS vet who has been around the same amount of time as Rimando and that's Kyle Beckerman, who also started out his career with the Miami Fusion (I actually own a Miami Fusion jersey, found it at Ross for $15 many many years ago. Beckerman is a MF, and is another player to keep your eye own, he doesn't stand out as much since he cut his dreads, but he can still set up goals, so don't leave him open.

Other players to keep an eye on for RSL are Albert Rusnak who leads the club with 9 goals, they also have Jefferson Savarino who leads the club 5 assists along with 6 goals of his own. Keep in mind RSL is fighting to stay in a very tight Western Conference playoff race, their 40 points are currently good for 4 place in the West, with Dallas being in 8th place with 36 points, just 4 points behind RSL.

As for LAFC we will see the usual lineup, one good thing is that Walker Zimmerman will be back after is yellow card suspension. Also we probably still will not see Brian Rodriguez in the line up of 18 being that the club is still working on his paper work to play in this country the same goes for Diego Palacios, who from last I heard is still in Ecudar. I also heard there will be around 300 LAFC supporters in Utah cheering on our boys. For a lot of us, myself included we will be at viewing parties, I will be with the Empire Boys at Jerseys in Corona. If your looking for a watch party just check all SGs social media accounts, there are watch parties all over the Los Angeles area. Alright everyone enjoy the game, have fun, be loud, and jump for LA Football Club, ole, ole.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The 3252 and The Empire Boys

I have been a football (soccer) since 1994, and even before that if you count going to LA Lazers games back in the 80's. But due to the FIFA World Cup being held here in the United States I feel in love with what they call "The Beautiful Game." Now I would watch matches on TV and I would attend games, and I was always intrigued by what they call the "supporter sections" of the clubs mainly when I would watch LIGA MX games and EPL games which was what I was mostly watching when I first started watching football.

So watching the games you couldn't help but not notice the "Supporter Sections" of all these clubs throughout the world. When I would go to matches I would consider heading over to these sections and joining in with the songs, chants, dancing and jumping, but I never did. I even considered joining one of these groups, the Black Army was one of them many years ago.
One of the main reasons why I never joined a supporter group was because I live in the Inland Empire which is around 50 miles from Los Angeles, so going to games every week and watch parties was just way too long of a drive.
Then in 2018 the club I had been waiting for since 2014 joined the MLS, and on July 15, 2018 I attended my first LAFC match at Banc of California Stadium in Los Angeles, CA. The thing that I was watching the most was the 3252, the North End of the stadium and the famous supporter section of LAFC. I had never seen anything like it, 3252 people chanting the same songs in unison, before the match, during the match and after the match, it was amazing. As I looked down at the 3252 I couldn't help but notice all the different flags of various supporter groups; District 9 Ultras, Los Cuervos, Black Army, Empire Boys, Expo Originals, Lucky Boys just to name a few that were there in the beginning of the 2018 season.

On my way home from the game on the metro I sent a Twit out to the 3252 asking if there was any supporter group in the IE, and they directed me to the Empire Boys.
So I hit up the Empire Boys right away and they were based right in my backyard in the Inland Empire (Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Ontario, Fontana, Corona, Riverside). I went to my first watch party which was a match against the Carson Galaxy, now being that the game was at the Banc it was a small turnout, half the people there were Daniel Figuera's family. Let's not talk about the game (the Horta game), but I had fun. The next watch party I attended was the famous watch party with the Black Army, The Tigers and Empire Boys at The Titled Kilt in Rancho Cucamonga. For anyone who was there this one was off the hook crazy, the place was packed out it was literally like being in the 3252, here's a video clip I found in my google photos.
Well after that watch party I went to as many watch parties with the Empire Boys as I could, at Goals, The Falconer, as well as meet and greets. I finally got to experience the 3252 at the Banc with the Empire Boys on October 12, 2018 against the Houston Dynamo (the famous weather delay game). Now all you die hard supporters remember this game, it was awesome, even with a almost 2 hour weather delay all of us in the 3252 did not go home, in fact the players and Bob Bradley mentioned us in the press conference. As the season went on I kept attending the watch parties I was able to make it to.
Before the 2019 season started I became an official member of the Empire Boys and I received my scarf, I know this sounds funny but this scarf means so much to me, I'll explain in a bit. I loved the feeling I had when I received my Empire Boys scarf, it made me feel like I was part of something. Let me tell being part of any supporter group you are part of something. The Empire Boys have become my second family, especially these past few months. But being part of a supporter group is so much more than just supporting our favorite football, it's about family, community, brotherhood, sisterhood, and even lending a hand. All the supporter groups in the 3252, join together to help communities, schools, shelters, the homeless, the poor and do fundraising throughout the season and during the off season. There are so many people I'd love to mention in the Empire Boys who have become like brothers and sisters, but I'd feel bad if I forgot someone, and hey we even have a Empire Momma who does so much work at our tailgates and watch parties. Joining the Empire Boys and the 3252 (yes I am official member of the 3252 as well), is one of the best things I have ever done.
Empire Boys watch Party August 3, 2019

Now if you're considering joining a supporter group here are some recommendations. First if you're a LAFC supporter (most of reading this are), join the 3252. It's $30 you become an official member, you get a scarf, a pin, Soccer Stores 20% discount card, discounts at the LAFC team store, as well as you help pay for tifos, drum repair, all the money goes back into the 3252. Now to look your support group. What I highly recommend is to join a group that is located in the area you live. So that way you can easily go to watch parties, carpool to the Banc, make fellow LAFC fans that live in your area. Also when joining these groups the same thing applies as to the 3252, membership fees, but you get some cool stuff, and that money also helps your group. Another thing you can do is go to a Saturday or Sunday game and get there early (Hours early) and go to Christmas Tree lane and get to know all the supporter groups (we all there). Each group is always welcoming, there's tons of food and tons of beer. Find a group that you feel comfortable with, trust me the other groups won't be offended, because in the end we are all the 3252 and we are all there to support our club, Los Angeles Football Club.

Jump for LA Football Club at a watch party

Watch party August 3, 2019